Foregone Conclusion Foundation

About the foundation

A person is presumed to be innocent before the court of law – unless otherwise proven. This is a fundamental human right and it has to be strictly adhered to.

The foundation “Foregone Conclusion“ is a non-profit, and charitable organization, dedicated to fight against biased judicial systems or as we know it, foregone conclusions. Our aim is to bring awareness to people of the world who suffer from preconceived notions that seems to shatter our thinking process. We would like to build a global network of people who have, in one way or another, suffered from similar cases, and where they can share their experiences.

Foregone Conclusion is a foundation which aims are
a) to provide practical assistance for people who have been entangled in a biased judicial system,
b) building platforms to exchange experience worldwide
c) make it public in all kind of social media
d) organising meetings, seminars, conferences

We are also involved in helping and elevating the living standards of poor people in Africa by offering our aid.